Gender Reveal! (Page 2)


Now we’re pregnant!!..…

In June, after we got the positive test, we went to the fertility doc’s office and they took a look and confirmed we were in fact pregnant and with TWINS! Those two little black circles were the beginnings of our babies! We could not have been more excited. We’d both joked about twins but never in a million years did we expect it would happen to us!

While I say everything was great, Heather was suffering from “morning” sickness (which is more like 24 hours a day sickness) and having a pretty rough time of it. The first trimester was pretty awful for the poor girl, but she took it like a trooper. So much so, infact that she came out for a week of “fun in the sun” with me to show off our company (Reading Car Company, of course) at the Buckeye Limited Convention in Ohio. That is where the flatcar photo that leads off this story was taken.

As we were approaching the 12 week mark, we thought it would be good to get the photos out at the Buckeye and then post them to announce after the 12 week mark (and the most risky part of the pregnancy) had passed. 12 weeks turned to 13 and 14 and we decided to make the announcement.

2 weeks after the Buckeye, all that changed……

We went to the OB for a regular checkup in late August. This was supposed to be where we could hear heartbeats and get a general sizing of the babies to see how “on track” they were.

The process started out normally enough, but the tech was having trouble finding the heartbeat on Baby “A”. Baby “B” could be heard loud and clear but “A” couldn’t. When the sonogram tech left the room to get the doctor, Heather and I knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

After what seemed like an hour of checking (although it was probably 5 minutes), the doc told us what we already dreaded. We’d lost Baby “A”. He told us to head directly to the Maternal Fetal Care dept of the hospital in Reading.

Upon arrival there, we were ushered right in and the tech and the doctor there confirmed that Baby “A” had passed away, probably around the time of the Buckeye Limited (About 12 weeks along). He told us that there was no sign of anything to cause it, and that it was a natural miscarriage. He also told us that having a “Vanishing Twin” is common in about 30% of twin pregnancies.

He also took a good look at Baby “B”, who was hanging in there, but he had concern about “B” as well. Baby “B” was less than the 10th percentile in size and there was a lot of concern over the placement of the umbilical cord. We were told to keep the faith and come back in a couple weeks.

From then to now, Baby “B” has been doing much better. It’s mass has gone from less than the 10th percentile to almost the 20th. The last exam (The anatomy scan which looks at all aspects of the baby and does all the overall measurements, etc) was Monday Sept 25th. We were told that Baby “B” was looking much better and moving around as it should. Arms and legs were formed as they should along with most of the internal organs (the ones they could find with the ultrasound anyway). We were also told what gender the baby is.

And now that we know, we’d like to tell you as well. Click below to find out…